Lexi Peters, a 14 year old girl in the Buffalo, NY is a big fan of EA’s NHL video games.  Complaining to her dad that she couldn’t play as a female character, he jokingly told her to write a letter. 

She wrote a letter to the CEO of EA Sports (way to aim high, Lexi!) who responded that it was an NHL licensed game and that it wasn’t going to happen.  Shortly after that, though, Lexi received another letter saying that they had changed their minds and would include a female player in NHL 12….and she would look like Lexi who plays hockey in real life as well as in the virtual rink.

Congratulations to Lexi, who proves that one kid can make a difference.  Also a big thanks to EA and the NHL who realized that even though there are no women in the real NHL, the video game world is where many a kid lives out their aspirations.

via @GeekGirlCon and @melhowrad  To read more check out NBC 2 Buffalo’s write up.