That’s right, everyone’s favorite sassy vampire slayer celebrates her 30th birthday today.  Not coincidentally today is also the release of the last issue of Dark horse’s  Buffy Season Eight Comic. 

I am going to celebrate by picking up my copy at my local comic shop; the fabulous Arcane Comics and More in Seattle, and having a cupcake (because Buffy would want me to). 

Dark Horse is hosting “official” birthday parties at locations around the country.  Visit Dark Horses’ website here to find one near you.

Are you planning on attending a Buffy Birthday party?  Take some pictures and share your experience in the comments.

On a related note, Kit loves Buffy and when asked what party theme she wanted for her fourth birthday coming up she asked for a Buffy party.  I veteod this in favor of her second choice, the slightly more child friendly Curious George.