
In Memoriam: Steve Jobs

In Memoriam: Steve Jobs

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. – Apple Inc.

I remember the first time I sat down in front of a computer that wasn’t in my school computer lab.  I sat there, perplexed as I looked desperately for the Apple key.

I was part of the first generation of school children to have a computer lab in our school. Thanks to the generosity (and marketing genius) of Jobs/Apple, many kids in the mid-eighties grew up learning how to compute using an Apple computer. My father was an IBM  programmer at the time, but the lack of affordable home computer options meant that his oldest daughter would do her first word processing, Print Shopping and ascii art (and later layout the high-school newspaper) on the competition’s equipment.

I’m not a big Apple fan today – I tend to lean more towards open source options – but Job’s affect on technology development isn’t lost on me.

I hope his family is able to find a small comfort in the fact that Jobs’ innovations are part of most Americans’  daily lives.  He made a huge mark in this world and will live on in a way that few of us ever will.

Jet City Comic Show Today!

Jet City Comic Show Today!

I’ll be at Jet City Comic Show today. Jet City was developed as a breath of fresh air for those who are looking for a smaller, one day comic and pop culture convention.

The show runs from 10am-6pm today at the Seattle Center.  I’ll be helping out at the Arcane Comics and More booth off and on and kicking around the convention for the rest of the show. Tickets can be had for $8 at the door, and kids under 10 are free!  See you there!

Practical night light option form Think Geek

Practical night light option form Think Geek

Think Geek sent an email today announcing the launch of 30+ new items!  The one that caught my eye was this rad Moon Clock.  The moon is cool, clocks are cool…so as far as I’m concerned this product is already  full of win, but it gets even better.  The clock glows in the dark!  I’m not usually a huge fan of glow in the dark items, I think most of them are pretty tacky, but this one is an exception.  First of all, the real moon actually glows (granted, it’s because of the sun’s reflection and not because of photo-sensitive paint or whatever makes this clock glow, but whatever), secondly I am sooooo tired of going into my kids’ room and seeing the harsh glare of the LED nightlight.   I’m ordering this clock hoping that it’s gentle glowing, which lasts about 2 hours, is enough to soothe the kids, and save my eyesight/power bill.

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