Hi there!  Long time no see!

Two years ago I was offered an amazing position at my kids’ school.  “Oh,” I thought naively, “nineteen hours a week?  To spend with my precious little snowflakes? And I get paid?  Well, for 19 hours a week, surely I can still manage a home and run my blog! I’ll take it!”.

Original Photo by Michael Jastremski.  Modified and used under Creative Commons License. 

The job was choice.  Sure, the hours were long and it was stressful, but it wasn’t hard.   I developed amazing relationships with the teachers, with school administration, and with parents I probably wouldn’t have interacted with otherwise. I was in the know! I got to see my kids every day. I had a shabby little office where I could keep extra gloves, hoodies, school supplies and snacks for them.  Nate would sometimes grab an extra chocolate milk and stick it on my desk if he knew I would be working through my lunch, that’s adorable!  It was an amazing two years.

I suck at saying no. I was working almost double the 19 hours the job required; my laundry was never done, there were always dishes in the sink.  I stopped updating the blog, something I considered a passion.  I needed to find balance. Balance for me meant walking away from my job. I am really fortunate in that we were not dependent on my (small) paycheck, and so I decided to refocus on household management and Parenting Geekly.

I will be posting here almost daily once again.  I will once again bring you news, reviews, opinions and commentary on all topics Parenting Geekly.

Thank you to everyone who has continued to read the blog, who has nagged me about posting more or who has shared part of your geekly life with me!  If you want to get in touch you can email me at sharon@parentinggeekly, you can follow me on facebook here, and on Twitter here.
